The Dodington sank off the coast of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The Dodington, taking the East Indian route, was faster than the other ships and to their misfortune sailed alone. The pilot charted too close to the rocks in the middle of the night and the ship sank off present day Bird Island, off the east coast of South Africa. Of the 270 people on board, only 23 made it to the island. There was presumably a chest of gold belonging to the English military hero Lord Clive. It cannot be validated that the chest of gold was on the ship or recovered a few years later from a wrecked pirate ship further along the East India route. No one knows why the Clive’ chest of gold was not at the Dodington site. The ship was thought to have carried at least 653+ ounces of Gold. Because the gold presently salvaged cannot be proven entirely to be Clive’s gold, and due to legal battles with the government of South Africa, this gold has been sold and spoken of as simple the “Clive of India Treasure.”
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